07766 171 246 surveys@cepcplus.co.uk


In April 2018 the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) came into force – these standards were to ensure that every rented property in England had a minimum EPC rating of E or above. 


The Government has now proposed taking this one step further and has now concluded that all rented properties must have a minimum EPC rating of C or above. As per previous changes, this will be rolled out to new tenancies by 2025 and for all existing tenancies by 2028.

These changes are aimed at making homes more energy-efficient and therefore more affordable.
The penalty for not having a valid EPC will also be raised from £5,000 to £30,000 from 2025.

What Will EP2C Do?

EP2C is an end-to-end process where we work with you to ensure your properties hit the required C rating or, if that is not achievable, we can assist in the application for an exemption to continue offering your property for let on the open market.

How Does It Work?

How Will New MEES Regulations Effect Me?

The costs of bringing a property up from an E rating to a C rating can be prohibitive for some landlords, and in many cases, the recommendations on the EPC are expensive and impractical. For example, an EPC will often make recommendations for underfloor insulation which is disruptive to the tenant and can be very costly for only a very small increase to the EPC rating. Internal wall insulation is another commonly recommended measure by the EPC – yet it doesn’t specify what thickness is required or what percentage of the external wall area it must be fitted to.

 Sometimes a small top-up to loft insulation thickness, additional low energy bulbs or TRVs can be the difference between hitting or not hitting the C rating but the EPC often won’t recommend this if some level of loft insulation, low energy lighting or TRVs are already present.

 With this in mind, we have great pleasure in announcing our EP2C service which is a simple and cost-effective way to ensure your rental property is future-proofed from the coming regulation changes.

As landlords ourselves we are aware of the importance of future-proofing your property investment and finding the most cost-effective way of doing so.

Step 1

An initial EPC assessment on your property is required. This allows us firstly to establish an accurate benchmark of where your property is now and what the current EPC rating would be. Secondly, it allows us to collect all the necessary data to run software simulations within the modelling software.

Step 2

Once surveyed, if your property achieves a ‘C’ rating then our work is done – your new EPC will be issued and valid for the next 10 years meaning you no longer have to worry about the forthcoming regulation changes. The only cost to you will be the cost of the EPC as standard.

Step 3

If the property is below C rated, then this is where our expertise will come in. Using the data we collected on the property we can run multiple simulations using your property’s EPC data to come up with a list of the most cost-effective measures to guarantee your property a C rating (if a C rating is achievable). Additionally, if there is a potential for you or your tenant to access funding through ECO4 or Local Authority Flex, then we can help you gain access to that.

Step 4

Once the improvement measures are installed, we will complete and issue you with a new C rated EPC, meaning you are now covered for the next 10 years.

Step 5

Should the property require works in excess of £5k to bring it up to a C rating we will assist you with the exemption process. An exemption is valid for 5 years.

Get Ahead Of The Regulations

Give us a call today to discuss how our EP2C service can help you stay ahead of the forthcoming changes to MEES regulations.

Click the button to call and book your EPC survey today!

Get Ahead Of The Regulations