07766 171 246 surveys@cepcplus.co.uk

Frequently Asked Questions


What is an EPC?

An EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) is an assessment of a building’s energy efficiency. An EPC is required by law, and a new certificate must be issued if any major changes to the property occur.

Is EPC a legal requirement?

Yes – Whenever a property is being sold, rented, or undergoing construction, you legally must have a valid EPC. On rental properties your EPC must be renewed every 10 years to prove that the property meets the minimum energy efficiency standards (E rated and above)

How long does an EPC take?

The Assessor should be at your property for between 15 minutes to 1 hour depending on the complexity of the building.

What does the EPC check involve?

Our EPC surveys are simple and straightforward. There are several components to assess such as the property’s age, heating system, the loft/wall insulation and glazing type etc. We’ll send an expert to your property to collect data which is then calculated to create the EPC certificate.

What does EPC stand for?

“EPC” stands for “Energy Performance Certificate”, a legal requirement for all properties across the UK.

How do I prepare for an EPC?

Ensure any relevant documentation is at hand for the Assessor to see – documents such as Building Control Sign-off for extensions/loft conversions, insulation certificates, FENSA glazing certificates etc are all required where possible.

How does EPC rating work?

EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) is measured by grades on a scale between A and G. A, being the most energy-efficient, to G, being the least efficient. F and G rated properties usually have very old heating systems or no heating system at all – paired with low/no insulation. The average rating for a UK property is a D rating.

Need an EPC ?

There’s no need to pay expensive estate and letting agent’s prices for EPCs…….let CEPCplus take care of it for you from only £45* with no VAT to pay.

Click the button to call and book your EPC survey today!